United Women in Faith
Who are the United Women in Faith?
We are the women’s ministry of the United Methodist Church with historic roots in ministry with women, children and youth. With our prayers, advocacy, volunteer and financial gifts, we nurture each other and support U.S. and international projects and partners to improve lives.
You don’t have to be a member to participate.
Come when you can. At the right time in your life, you will want to become a member.
Opportunities include Bible studies, spiritual retreats, hands-on mission, mission education experiences, leadership development, advocacy for social justice, support of our mission. You can borrow books and “response” magazines from our Reading Program cart outside the Fellowship Hall.
The United Women in Faith take on many roles in our Christian community. If you wish to participate in any activities or join us here at OUMC, please call the church office at 727-391-4769.