

Join us in our Oakhurst UMC Street Ministry. We have cooking teams and serving teams to provide meals to the unhoused three times a month. We are always looking for volunteers to help cook meals and desserts. Please contact the church office at 727-391-4769 for more information.

This program helps feed over 50 children in Pinellas County who otherwise may go hungry on the weekends. If you would like to support this ministry, you may drop off the below-listed items at the church office.

Accepted Pac-a-Sac Items:

  • CHEEZ-IT (small packs)
  • GOLDFISH (small packs)
  • CEREAL (small boxes)
  • RAISINS (small boxes)

kenya school

With God’s leading, Deb Ralph has partnered with the Bishop in Meru County, Kenya, to open a boarding school and home for disabled children. The church there has received a two-acre parcel of land, which they have been able to survey and take ownership of with Oakhurst UMC support. One acre has been allocated for the school, and some existing buildings are being turned into dormitories for the children. God put this calling in Deb’s heart more than four years ago, and she is excited to work with the Bishop and MCK on this wonderful mission. Our current Pennies For Kenya campaign supports this endeavor. 

food drive
Missions at Oakhurst UMC sponsors Food Drives every third Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to benefit our local food pantries. If you drive through and pop your trunk, we will pull out your donations. You don’t even have to leave your car! Non-perishable foods only.
baby basics

Diapers Are Our Mission…  OUR ONLY MISSION

We provide free diapers, wipes, kindness, and a sense of community to low-income working families. You can find their website here. You may contact the church at 727-391-4769 for a registration form.


We provide financial, provisions, and spiritual support to our sister church in Colón, Cuba. We take two trips to Cuba per year or when possible.

angel tree
We provides Christmas gifts to children in need as identified by local schools. People choose an “Angel” from the “Tree” and deliver the gifts to the church for the coordinator of the event for distribution.
Lists of child and gift wishes become available around November or December for delivery prior to the holiday break.

Faith and Action for Strength Together

FAST is a network of churches working together to “do justice.”

The Lord requires us “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8 NIV)

Back-to-School Supplies

We collect and provide backpacks, supplies, and snacks to local schools to be distributed to students in need.

other missions

Blankets for people experiencing homelessness
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) – An effort by the greater UMC to respond to disasters worldwide
Collection of Gently Used Clothing for those in Need
School Clothing for Children in Need
Collection of Food for Local Food Pantries and other Agencies
Graduation Garments for Seminole HS Seniors
Spiritual and Monetary Support for the Methodist Children’s Home
Shoes for Children in Need

how to givE

Oakhurst UMC supports these mission initiatives through the generous contributions of time, talent, and money from the people through our church.

You may designate a financial gift to any of the above ministries by placing your cash or check (payable to Oakhurst UMC) in an offering envelope indicating the amount and designate a gift to a specific ministry on the outside of the envelope or by clicking the button below.


To volunteer for a mission ministry or for the mission committee, please contact the church office.  They will put you in touch with the Missions Team.